About Us

Who we are...

We are an accredited skills training and service provider with FoodBev SETA, see our programmes “Courses” for more information.
Contact us for more information as we are taking in students on an annual basis as per FoodBev SETA notification.


Equipping people to make a difference in their world; providing opportunities to acquire accredited qualifications in an environment conducive to unleashing creativity and develop critical thinking whilst trying to make a difference in the community we live and work in.


To become a conduit for growth and personal development to those that need structures to allow them obtaining the ability to secure a selfsustained livelihood.

Growing together

In collaboration with the Bovine Academy for Southern Africa we are providing opportunities for interesting students to obtain accredited qualifications:

• Certificate: Animal Production

• Certificate: Advanced Farm Management

• National Diploma: Animal Production

These are full on-line learning qualifications with assistance from lecturers as and when required. More information is also available on 
www.i3a.co.za or www.basa.africa.

Accounting and Business Secretarial services

Servilane (Pty) Ltd, our accounting and business services entity within the Limpopo Dairy Group of companies, with highly qualified personnel are ready to take your business to the next level. Visit www.servilane.co.za for information about Servilane’s full range of services.

Meet the Team

Pieter Els

Head Of Training

Tshedza Manyuma

Registrations & human resources

Student login

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MD of Limpopo Dairy Mr Tobias Fourie handing over certificates for the successfully completion of the SETA accredited Food and Beverage Handling Process Module through LD Academy.

Limpopo Dairies have through their social investment programmes managed , thorough LD Academy, to assist in access of 1 100 employees and unemployed students to obtain a SETA accredited qualification. An initiative and commitment they intent to uphold and even expand in future.

find out how you can
enroll today